Papa Redux (I swear I’ll post about other things eventually)

Ernest Hemingway
Papa Comes out Swinging

I just wanted to thank everyone who came to the Brown Baggers Book Group discussion of The Sun Also Rises this afternoon. We had a typically rousing, entertaining and informative discussion.  I’m still excited!

One thing I neglected to mention (yet another reason this blog comes in handy…it allows me to amend my forgetful ways) to those who can’t get enough of all things Ernest, is that JMRL receives access to The Hemingway Review through our database Literature Resource Center!

All you have to do is go to our homepage, click the database tab, select “Literature and Books” and then chose Literature Resource Center. Once I was in the database, I limited my search to “Literary Criticism”, typed in “Sun Also Rises” and a plethora of interesting full-text articles appeared instantly.

For those who may be interested in The Hemingway Review here is some basic information:

The Hemingway Review is published twice a year, in November and May, by The Hemingway Society and The University of Idaho Press. Averaging about 150 pages in length, each issue of the journal specializes in feature -length scholarly articles on the work and life of Ernest Hemingway, and also includes notes, book reviews, library information, and current bibliography. All critical approaches are welcome, including but not limited to historical, textual, biographical, source, and influence studies, as well as gender-based, multicultural, ecocritical, and other post-structuralist methods.

So enjoy and let me know what interesting things you discover.


(EH photo above courtesy of

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