Keeping track of what you’ve read.

As I get older, it is more and more difficult for me to remember what I’ve read.  I find myself 25 or so pages into a book and realize that I’ve already read it.  There are dozens of ways to keep track of what you’ve read.  I have a friend who has kept a journal of everything she has read since high school, an practice which I admire but don’t have the discipline to manage for myself.  You can always “opt in” to your reading history when you log into your account at JMRL but that doesn’t account for books you buy or borrow from friends.

I’ve found a solution that works for me.  It’s  It’s like Facebook for book lovers.  You create an account and keep a list of what you’ve read, what you’re currently reading and what you want to read in the future.  There’s a search function that helps you compile your lists and you can connect with friends who also have accounts to compare lists and reviews.  Recently, I discovered a section where you can sign up for a chance to receive pre-released books.  It’s fun to be among the first to read a title and who doesn’t like to get free books in the mail.  There are trivia quizzes and lists galore if you have the time to spend on that sort of thing.

Goodreads isn’t the only online source for keeping track of the books you’ve read but it’s worth exploring.

Stella Pool
JMRL Staff

“The habit of reading is the only enjoyment in which there is no alloy; it lasts when all other pleasures fade.”
– Anthony Trollope

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