Bring Your Own Book Club

Did you know that Louisa has a Bring Your Own Book (BYOB) club? This monthly gathering is a new, different kind of book club. Instead of worrying about finding and reading the library-chosen book for each month’s discussion, no preparation is needed — just show up ready to talk about anything you’ve read recently (or even not so recently). You’ll connect with other readers, walk away with recommendations and new ideas, and get a chance to sing the praises of your favorite books. This club meets on the 4th Tuesday of every month, from 4-5 pm, at the Louisa County Library

At the August meeting, members discussed a wide variety of titles and enjoyed meeting in person. If you are suffering from “Zoom fatigue” and are looking for an in-person program, consider joining the BYOB club! The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 28. Email Ophelia at with any questions. 

Titles Discussed: 

The Book of Two Ways by Jodi Picoult 

Brought to book club because….generally a Picoult fan, but this title didn’t work for this reader. Too heavy-handed with research and dry descriptions of a thematic topic that didn’t captivate in the way many other Picoult topics do. 

The Sweet Taste of Muscadines by Pamela Terry

Brought to book club because….it’s amazing! So many settings, each one interesting. It starts right off with a bang, and continues to be a page-turner, as you are genuinely searching for clues throughout. Told with universal themes of family, faith, and community. 

A Lie Someone Told You About Yourself by Peter Ho Davies

Brought to book club because….stylistically, it almost felt like a parable, with nameless characters of “the wife” and “the boy.” With a fascinating, controversial topic like abortion, this title begged the question….science has evolved to accomplish so much, but have our psyches evolved to accommodate the wealth of information?

The Mountains Sing by Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai

Brought to book club because….couldn’t put down this sweeping, emotional, inspiring story about a family within the throes of the Vietnam War and the Land Reform (1954-1956). So much beauty and sweetness, but also heartbreak and terror.  

The Woman with the Blue Star by Pam Jenoff 

Brought to book club because….this book did its job in bringing forth powerful emotions. This reader was upset and frustrated, but that shows how evocative the book was. Connected the underground setting, which was such a vivid image and contributed greatly to the emotions, to Colum McCann’s This Side of Brightness.

What book are YOU going to bring to the BYOB meeting on September 28? Hope to see you there! 

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