Minimalism: Living in Simplicity

simplicityEach person is messy in his or her own way. Maybe your car never feels clean enough or you’ve forgotten what the surface of your desk looks like, or maybe you could just use some advice on simplifying your worries. These books from the JMRL catalog are here to help you live a more simplified, or minimalist, lifestyle:

L’art de la Simplicité = How to Live More With Less by Dominique Loreau – Provides a step-by-step guide to decluttering one’s home, mind, and body, offering such suggestions as removing unwanted possessions, spending money on experiences, and rejecting negative relationships.

Simple Rules: How to Thrive in a Complex World by Donald N. Sull – A guide for taming complexity in one’s personal and professional life, this book demonstrates how lessons in efficiency can be derived from sometimes unexpected places, from Tina Fey’s experience on SNL to how burglars select their targets.

Downsizing the Family Home: What to Save, What to Let Go by Marni Jameson – Counsels readers on how to downsize a family home filled with a lifetime of memories, sharing practical recommendations for strategies based on the expertise of antiques appraisers, garage-sale gurus, professional organizers, and psychologists.

Simple Matters: Living With Less and Ending up With More by Erin Boyle – Filled with personal essays, recipes, DIY projects, and helpful advice on how to be inventive with a tight space, this book shows that living simply is about making do with less and ending up with more in exchange—more free time, more time with loved ones, more savings, more things of beauty.

Let it Go: Downsizing Your Way to a Richer, Happier Life by Peter Walsh – Sorting through a lifetime’s worth of accumulated possessions can be a daunting and stressful process that millions of Americans confront every year, but this book will walk you through every step and show you how to use downsizing as a positive experience that sets you up to better enjoy the opportunities that the next phase in your life will offer.

Goodbye, Things: The New Japanese Minimalism by Fumio Sasaki – Explores how the author revitalized his enthusiasm for life and sense of well-being by embracing a minimalist existence, sharing tips on how to get rid of unneeded possessions and achieve a better appreciation for present-day circumstances.

The Joy of Less: A Minimalist Guide to Declutter, Organize, and Simplify by Francine Jay – Shares the author’s philosophical approaches to decluttering a home, outlining steps for cultivating a minimalist mindset and developing healthier organizational habits.

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