How to Learn a Second Language

Welcome to 2021! You may be juggling half a dozen New Year’s Resolutions already, but may I add one more to your list? Start learning a new language. Here’s why. 

Why Learn a Language

There are so many reasons to pursue language learning. If you’re looking to sharpen intellectual skills, learning a language will help you improve your memory, as well as problem solving and critical thinking skills. If you’re seeking a new career or promotion, learning a second language is a highly desired skill. It will also get you ready for video conferencing calls with clients and colleagues who speak other languages. Learning another language now will prepare you for future travels, whether they be for business or for pleasure. Closer to home, it may surprise you, but the more you practice another language, the more words you will learn in your native tongue. 

Learning a new language will also take you beyond book smarts; studies show that learning a new language boosts your ability to empathize with others. This is because being exposed to other languages can enhance your ability to parse out another person’s intentions, take another person’s perspective, and patiently work through ambiguity. In addition, every language has abstract concepts and notions that are very difficult to translate into another language. This is because those hard-to-translate words or phrases hold deep cultural meaning. Learning those words and phrases gives us a peek into another culture — those peeks add up and help contribute to greater empathy.

How to Get Started

JMRL offers two language learning programs: Rocket Languages and Transparent Language. Each platform operates in a different style and has its own strengths. Check out this short video to help you choose which program to try first.

Learn More

In doing my deep-dive I learned a LOT about these two databases, and there are some nifty tips, tricks, and important caveats I wasn’t able to go over in this brief overview video. For example, what about each database’s ability to review the work you’ve completed? Which database has a better mobile experience? Which database is right for me if I want to learn English? What about KidSpeak, offered by Transparent Language? What about setting goals, earning points, leaderboards, forums, and the like? If you’d like any of those questions answered, or would like to learn more about a different aspect of either these databases, sign up for our upcoming zoom program. During the program, I’ll answer any questions you have, and offer more information that is tailored to your needs.

As always, we’d also love to answer your questions over email, text, or chat. If you’d like to connect that way, email the reference staff at, text us at 434-236-8611, or chat us using this link: 

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