JMRL moves to curbside pick-up

*Updated: Tuesday, June 16 at 10am

Following the Governor of Virginia’s phase one guidelines, JMRL moved into Tier 4 of their COVID-19 response on Tuesday, May 26.

Tier 4 updated with Nelson (1)

JMRL branches (now including Nelson Memorial Library) are reopen with a contactless curbside pick-up only option for library holds from Tuesdays-Saturdays between 10am and 2pm.

Northside Library offers pickup at the drive-up window.

During this phase, no special kits (such as toy kits), will be available to check-out.

Patrons can place holds on the JMRL website and the return due date for all library materials is back to normal.

Please be aware, there may be delays in holds due to the 72-hour quarantining of materials and limited delivery.

If patrons no longer want their holds, they should cancel them by going online or calling their branch.

Specific instructions are posted outside of each branch detailing how patrons will collect their materials and patrons can call their library branch for more details. Specific branch details are also located on (under the “Branches” green tab).

Book returns must be made through the book drops.

JMRL is still not accepting donations of books or media at this time.

More information, including access to virtual storytimes and virtual events, is located on

For information about resources (such as online databases and eBooks), visit

Patrons should continue to follow social distancing guidelines while participating in the curbside pickups, including no contact and no access to the library buildings.

Saty Safe curbside services


  1. This is a wonderful step. I do think patrons should be required to wear MASKS even though it’s curbside-/to protect others in case they are carriers. We need to protect each other and the library staff.

    • Hi Nina! Thank you for the support 🙂 Staff will still be adhering to social distancing guidelines (like wearing masks) and ask that patrons do as well for this service.

  2. What do the tiers mean? Your script says tier 4 and then your attached flyer says tier 5. But, I don’t know what either of these levels mean. Please explain. Thanks.

    • Hi Ricki! JMRL’s COVID-19 Response is located on the website at This webpage has the list of tiers and their descriptions, as well as links to other information. The flyer on this post says we are still in Tier 5 (which means closure of the library branches and no physical services or operations), but that we will be moving to curbside pickup on May 26.

  3. Hi, just to clarify, does this new curbside pickup option mean we can now return hard cover books we’ve been told to hold onto for the past few months?

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