Gardening Guides

Small Space Garden IdeasIt’s officially springtime, and that means it’s time to show your backyard some much-needed love after this especially harsh winter. Before you start planning your garden, consider taking a look at the following books available at JMRL:

Small Space Garden Ideas by Philippa Pearson — Helps home gardeners develop creative ideas for such small spaces as the doorstep, the balcony, outdoor walls, windowsills, hanging baskets, rooftop containers, vertical gardens and more.

Plant Breeding for the Home Gardener: How to Create Unique Vegetables & Flowers by Joseph Tychonievich — Tychonievich (nursery manager, Arrowhead Alpines) shares his experience in plant breeding to show home gardeners how to create tastier, hardier vegetables and more colorful and aromatic flowers. The author guides gardeners through the process of selecting what to breed and how to cross plants, and also explains the basics of genetics and advanced techniques. Case studies provide breeding examples of popular plants such as daffodils and hollyhocks, roses, and sweet corn and tomatoes.

Garden Rescue: First Aid for Plants and Flowers by Jo Whittingham – Presents a guide to diagnosing a problem, discovering options, and then implementing the best course of action to save the plants from diseases and pests.

How to Eradicate Invasive Plants by Teri Dunn Chace — Chace, an amateur botanist, horticulturalist, gardener, writer, and editor, presents a guide for gardeners that details how to eradicate about 200 of the most common invasive plants in North America: water and bog plants; annuals, biennials, and tropical perennials; herbaceous perennials; grasses and bamboos; and vines, shrubs, and trees. She provides profiles of the plants, which contain information and diagnostic photographs for identification and methods for eradicating them, from less toxic options to chemicals.

Gardening Projects for Kids: 101 Ways to get Kids Outside, Dirty, and Having Fun by Whitney Cohen and John Fisher — Raising kids and maintaining a garden can be a juggling act, leaving the family garden forgotten and neglected. But kids can make great gardening companions, and the benefits of including them are impossible to ignore. Gardening gets kids outdoors and away from television and video games, increases their connection to plants and animals, and helps build enthusiasm for fresh fruits and vegetables. This step-by-step guide to working side-by-side with kids will inspire all parents to grow their own little gardener and to get dirty, plant seeds, and enjoy the garden’s delicious rewards.

The staff at the library will be happy to help you find the book that is just right for you.

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